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Why are Kickers important in Texas HoldEm Poker?

Kickers are very important in texas holdem poker because two players will often flop the same pair and it comes down to the kicker to break the tie. When you have one pair your kicker is almost always going to play.

How to become a successful poker player?

It's what keeps the fish (bad players) interested, so embrace it. Look at each situation individually and make the best possible decision. If you do that every time you will be a successful poker player in the long term. Try to downplay the importance of short-term results. And last but not least: Have fun.

Is poker gambling?

The short answer is yes. The long answer is no, with a but. Even biggest poker gambler isn't gambling. Poker is gambling insofar as you can't control which cards you get, which cards your opponent will get or which cards will come on the flop. But you can control when you put money into the pot.

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